Our last but not least thing that we are planning to do in Ukraine this year is helping at the Retirement home for the veterans of work here in Kharkov. These elderly individuals don't have any family who can take care of them that is how they get to this retirement home. The retirement home is entirely government supported. And those of us who live or lived in Ukraine know what that means. We don't have to go into details, they need help not only with bedding, higene items ect.but most importantly they need FOOD. So this time instead of getting those supplies we will be helping with food.
For now we only have $140 dollars to spent, which means we can get things like oranges, crackers and some candy for $350, obveously not enough to help with the full dinner, but now we know... if people need food that is a basic need.
Please donate if you have the means. We have a donate now button here on the blog.
This project is scheduled for next Friday, you can help these people today.
Thank You
Olga Clark and the comettee.